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Our Contacts

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For any general enquiries, please contact our customer services team 
For enquiries relating to featuring content and products on your website, please contact the Partnerships team - or complete our online form
For sales opportunities relating to our mobile voice and broadband, please contact general office -

For sales opportunities relating to our products and services other than mobile voice and broadband, please contact Suseema -
For partnership enquiries, please contact the following -
To purchase advertising on the site please contact the following:
For display advertising on, please contact our advertising team -
SEO partnerships
For enquiries about partnering with, please contact Kusum Hapuhinna -

Tell us what you think

We are always pleased to hear from our customers by email with any comments and feedback about their experience in using the site or suggestions as to how it can be improved.

Story to tell?

We often get requests from journalists to meet the people behind the news stories. Drop us a line and if you're featured, we'll reward you in turn.


Interested in a career within Private Limited?  [ is a trading name of Private Limited registered in Sri Lanka under the companies Act of No 07 of 2007] 
Finally we very much hope you find our site helpful. We often get positive feedback from those who use for the first time. Hopefully you will feel the same. Thanks again for visiting and please don't hesitate to recommend us to your friends and family!

Link to us

If you are interested in placing a link on your site to Confusedlanka,com or any other partnering sites ( Please contact us to get the list of sites we have) this can be done by simply copying and pasting some HTML  into the relevant page on your site. Please contact us to get started at